Many people are confused that can they put 5w30 instead of ow20 oil or not? The answer is yes. To know the reason, difference between the two, and benefits, we need to go into the details.
Let’s dive in! Motor oils are always rated according to their viscosity as it is responsible for heat generation and friction in cylinders gear sets and bearing.
Their viscosity lubricates the moving parts of the vehicle which helps them in a smooth motion. Its viscosity is significantly affected by temperature changes. It is proportional to temperature. As the temperature increases, viscosity increases, and with the decrease in temperature, the viscosity of the motor oil starts to decrease.

The motor oil that works efficiently at extremely hot temperatures and no change comes in its flow when the temperature is very cold is the one compatible with your car. 5w30 is used very often as it flows better despite cold or hot temperatures.
0w20 vs 5w30
Motor oils are lubricants that are added to the vehicle’s engine to enhance mobility. An increase in mobility will drastically reduce the wear and tear of engine parts by lowering the friction when these parts rugged across each other.
It also dissipates the heat produce in the engine due to the combustion of fuel. This protects the engine from overheating thus increasing the life of the engine.
Since motor oil serves many purposes that are mandatory to your vehicle, therefore, make sure that you are adding the correct motor oil in the engine of your car to eliminate the chances of mishaps in the future.
For a good and reliable 5w30 motor oil, I recommend Valvoline Advanced Full Synthetic SAE 5W-30 (Check the Current Price on Amazon)
5W30 Motor Oil
For petrol and diesel engine, in small sedans and light cars, 5w30 is commonly used. It is fully capable to serve effectively due to its incredible quality of flowing easily with the viscosity grade ranging from 5 to 30.
As the name of the motor oil suggests, it is made to use in winters and the lower viscosity level it offers is 5 while the highest is 30.
Nonetheless, note that the optimal oil for your vehicle is reliant on its particular make and model. Always refer to your car’s instruction manual to determine the suggested type and viscosity of the oil.
0W20 motor oil
This oil has a low viscosity which helps it flow smoothly through the engine. This oil is getting famous in the market because of the extraordinary performance it provides.
As the name indicates, 0W20 motor oil has a viscosity grade of 0 in winters or cold temperatures. Similarly, during hot temperatures, the viscosity of the oil becomes 20.
The 0W20 oil, while not fully eliminating oil waste, can significantly reduce oil consumption, making it an effective choice for engines that are often prone to consuming oil. Notably, this oil performs well during winters, as its ability to flow efficiently through the engine enhances the vehicle’s overall performance. This combination of benefits makes it a versatile and valuable option for many vehicles.
However, not every engine is suitable for 0W20 oil. Certain engines necessitate oil with a higher viscosity for proper lubrication. Thus, refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual to determine the recommended oil type and viscosity.
Comparing 5w30 with 0w20
Motor oil comes at different prices and for different brands. Not every motor oil is compatible with every vehicle. The motor oil that serves best regardless of the temperature and other factors are 5w30 and 0w20.
To compare them we will consider where can both these oils be used.
Which brands are well-matched with these motor oils? And what makes them unique? While selecting the motor oil, make sure that you are going for the one that perfectly matches your vehicle’s engine as it is going to affect the life, efficiency, and speed of your vehicle.
A wrong selection can degrade your vehicle. Using 0w20 oil in winters is better than using 5w30 because the lower the viscosity grade of the motor oil the thinner it is. This clearly shows that 0w20 will perform better in engines than 5w30 during winters.
Likewise, when you use 5w30 in summers it will give you a viscosity of 30 whereas 0w20 is offering a viscosity level of 20, therefore, preferring 0w20 is a wise choice. But the outstanding performance of 5w30 allows you to put it instead of 0w20.
That is why Valvoline Advanced Full Synthetic SAE 5W-30 gets so many recommendations and great customer reviews on Amazon (Click here to read real user reviews)
Effects on Fuel Efficiency
Have you ever wondered how the viscosity of your engine oil affects your car’s fuel efficiency? Let’s dive into some key considerations:
The Role of Cold Starts
When your engine is cold, the oil must flow swiftly to lubricate all moving parts. Thicker oils like 5w30 might take a bit more time to circulate, potentially causing increased friction and hindering fuel efficiency.
On the other hand, thinner oils such as 0w20 can reach all engine parts more promptly, keeping friction in check and aiding fuel efficiency.
Specialized Fuel Economy Oils
Certain oils are explicitly engineered to enhance fuel economy. Take 0w20, for instance. These types of oil are designed to minimize friction and boost engine efficiency, which can ultimately result in improved fuel economy.
Comparison Between 5w30 and 0w20
When weighing up 5w30 against 0w20, 0w20 is typically seen as less viscous, particularly in colder climates. This suggests that 0w20 might be more adept at enhancing fuel efficiency during cold starts, while 5w30 could be more suitable for warmer weather or for engines that need thicker oil.
But remember to refer to your owner’s manual to determine the most appropriate oil weight for your specific engine.
Effects on Engine Wear
The consequences of utilizing an oil of a different viscosity than recommended can significantly influence the longevity and performance of your engine.
1. The Risks of High-Viscosity Oil:
- Increased Engine Wear: An oil of higher viscosity can elevate friction among moving parts, resulting in accelerated degradation of the engine.
- Engine Overheating: The circulation of high-viscosity oil through the engine can be challenging, potentially triggering overheating.
- Amplified Engine Noise: Higher-viscosity oil can intensify engine noise due to increased friction among moving components.
2. The Risks of Low-Viscosity Oil:
- Diminished Engine Protection: An oil of lower viscosity might not offer sufficient protection for the engine, especially under high-stress conditions like towing or racing.
- Elevated Oil Consumption: A thinner oil may result in heightened oil usage, as it might not supply enough lubrication to prevent engine components from grinding against each other.
- Engine Sludge Buildup: Using low-viscosity oil can escalate the risk of engine sludge accumulation, which could obstruct oil passages and cause engine damage.
By understanding these potential risks, you can make more informed choices about the type of oil you use in your vehicle. Always consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual for the manufacturer’s recommended oil viscosity to ensure optimal engine health.
When is the correct time to use 5w30?
While putting the oil in your vehicle, make sure that it suits your vehicle. For that purpose, consider your owner’s manual.
Although, 5w30 is a multi-grade motor oil that can be used in between the temperature range 35 ºC to -30 ºC. This attribute makes the motor oil an ideal option if you have high seasonal variation in your area. 5w30 is the motor oil that is specifically manufactured for cold temperatures.
Usually, the oils that are made to use in cold temperatures do not support high temperatures. But 5w30 performs incredibly well when uses in hot temperatures too. Where other oils have a viscosity level of 10 or 15, 5w30 serves your engine with its excellent viscosity grade of 30.
This makes it capable to protect your engine and its components. The oil is also helpful when you are traveling long distances. It improves fuel efficiency by reducing fuel consumption providing you greater mileage.
Manufacturer’s Recommendations
Adhering to the manufacturer’s recommendations for motor oil is crucial for the longevity and performance of a vehicle. These recommendations are determined through extensive testing and research by the manufacturer to ensure that the oil used in the vehicle meets the specific requirements of the engine.
The manufacturer’s recommendations for motor oil typically include the viscosity grade, performance level, and type of oil to be used.
The viscosity grade refers to the thickness of the oil and is determined by the operating temperature of the engine.
The performance level refers to the quality of the oil and is determined by industry standards such as the American Petroleum Institute (API) or the International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC).
The type of oil refers to whether it is conventional, synthetic, or a blend.
Using the recommended motor oil ensures that the engine is properly lubricated, which reduces friction and wear on engine components. This can help to extend the life of the engine and improve its performance.
Using the wrong type of oil or an oil that does not meet the manufacturer’s specifications can lead to engine damage, reduced fuel efficiency, and increased emissions.
Questions From Carowners
Here are the answers to some of the most common questions from car owners:
Can 0w20 and 5w30 Oils Be Mixed?
It is generally not recommended to mix different types of oil, as it can negatively affect the engine’s performance. However, in a situation where you need to top up your oil and the same type is not available, using a different type is preferable to running the engine with insufficient oil levels. It is important to remember that mixing different oil types can change the oil’s viscosity, which can affect the engine’s performance.
If you do need to mix different types of oil, it is important to do so in the correct proportions. The general rule of thumb is to mix no more than 10% of a different type of oil with the oil that is already in the engine. For example, if you have 5 quarts of 0w20 oil in your engine and you need to add 1 quart of oil, you should only add 0.5 quarts of 5w30 oil.
Are 5w30 and 0w20 Oils Interchangeable?
No, 5w30 and 0w20 oils are not interchangeable. The “W” in both 0w20 and 5w30 stands for “winter” and represents the oil’s viscosity at low temperatures. While both oils have the same viscosity at operating temperatures, they have different viscosities at colder temperatures.
0w20 oil is thinner than 5w30 oil, which means that it flows more easily at low temperatures. This can be beneficial in cold weather, as it can help the engine to start more easily and prevent wear and tear. However, 0w20 oil may not provide as much protection as 5w30 oil in hot weather.
It is important to use the oil that is recommended by the manufacturer for your specific vehicle. The manufacturer will have taken into account the design of your engine, the climate you live in, and other factors when making their recommendation.
What is the Fuel Economy of 0w20 vs 5w30?
The fuel economy of 0w20 vs 5w30 oil depends on a number of factors, including the engine design, driving conditions, and oil quality. Generally speaking, 0w20 oil, being thinner and having less resistance to flow, can improve fuel economy. However, the difference in fuel economy between 0w20 and 5w30 oil is often small.
If you are looking to improve the fuel economy of your vehicle, there are a number of other factors you can consider, such as driving habits, tire pressure, and vehicle maintenance.
Conclusion on Using 5w30 Instead of 0w20
There are other factors apart from viscosity grade to consider when you are selecting motor oil. Which include cost, climate, vehicle’s age, and condition of the engine.
These days every motor oil is multigrade motor oil. But among them, 0w20 and 5w30 are famous due to their top-notch performances. If you add 5w30 to your vehicle instead of 0w20, the performance of your vehicle will not affect much. Your vehicle will continue to run smoothly and providing you comfortable rides.

Robert Anderson is a world class motorhead who rebuilt his first carb at age 10, his first engine at age 15, and completed his first full hotrod build when he was just 18! Previously, he has ran a part warehouse, delivered pizzas, and managed the service department for a $20 million/year revenue dealership. Robert knows cars like few others and he is passionate about sharing his knowledge.