do diesel cars have catalytic converters

Do Diesel Cars Have Catalytic Converters?

Catalytic converters were developed as a response to the need for a cleaner environment through reducing dangerous emissions from vehicles. They first came out in the 1970s specifically for gasoline engines. Do diesel engines have Catalytic converters though? We are going to explore this topic in this article. Diesel engines are known to be stronger …

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overfilled engine oil

Overfilling Engine Oil by 1 Quart (What to Expect)

Engine oil is an integral part of your car’s operation. If there is no oil in your vehicle, it will lead to catastrophic engine failure. It is therefore important for the engine to always have sufficient levels of oil in it at all times. The main purpose of engine oil is to lubricate the metals …

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can a car gas tank explode

Can a Car Gas tank Explode?

We’ve seen it countless times in movies. We all know the scene, someone shoots the gas tank of a vehicle and the result is a large explosion. How realistic is this in real life though? Can a car gas tank explode? The material that makes up the gas tank depends on the make and model …

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who makes supertech oil

Who makes SuperTech Oil? (Answered!)

Oil is a major part of our daily existence. It is a lubricant that runs our industry and vehicles. In this article, we are going to be looking at one of the major players in this space, the makers of SuperTech Oil. SuperTech oil is one of the well-known automobile oil that is regarded as …

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