Cars are one of the most important parts of our lives, and when they stop working properly, it can be very frustrating. One of the most common problems that drivers have with their cars is a shaking or shimmying feeling when they slow down or come to a stop. In this article, I am going to tell you what is causing this and what to do about it.
Car Shakes When Slowing Down Causes
1. Poor Wheel Alignment:
One of the most common things that can cause your car to shake when slowing down is poor wheel alignment. If your wheels are not aligned properly, they will not be parallel with each other and will rub against one another when you turn or brake, causing vibrations inside the cabin.
To fix this problem, have your wheels realigned at a Tire service center nearest to you.
2. Worn Control Arms:
The next most common cause of your car shaking when slowing down is worn control arms. Control arms are brackets that connect the wheels to the suspension system, and they provide stability and improve handling by keeping all four wheels in line with one another.
The bushes on the control arms are known to wear out over time, which can cause the wheels to shake when you slow down. You can check the control arm bushes by using a torch and looking under the car. If there are any signs of wear, then the bushes will need to be replaced.
3. Bad Wheel Bearing:
If you have a car that shakes when slowing down, it could be due to a bad wheel bearing. A wheel bearing is an essential part of your car; it allows the wheels to spin smoothly at all times.
When the bearings are worn out or damaged, the car will experience symptoms such as wheel wobble, humming sounds and vibrations. To check if your wheel bearings need replacing, look for signs of wear like rust or dirt on either side of the center hub where they connect with each other.
4. Damaged Rotors:
If your car vibrates when you apply the brakes, it could be because of damaged rotors. Rotors are discs that are attached to your wheels and help slow down your car when you use your brakes.
Worn out Rotors can cause vibrations issues in your car. To check if your rotors need replacing, look for signs of wear like cracks and debris on either side of the center hub where they connect with each other.
5. You Brake Pads are Worn:
If your car is making a loud screeching noise when you apply the brakes, it could be because they are worn out. Brake pads are used to slow down your car when you use your brakes.
If you Pads are done, they can cause problems like vibrations when you slow down. To check if your brake pads need replacing, at the thickness of your brake pads and the depth of your grooves. If you can see metal on either side of the rotor, it could mean that your brakes need replacing.
6. Damaged Ball Joints:
If your car is making a clicking or popping noise when you turn the wheel, it could be because of damaged ball joints. Ball joints are used to connect your tires to the steering system of your vehicle and keep them in place while driving. When they get damaged, they can cause vibration issues especially when you brake
How do You stop my car shaking when You Deaccelarate?
One of the first things you should do is check the brake pad for any signs of wear. If you notice that they are worn out, you should take your car to a mechanic and have them replaced.
If there are no visible signs of wear, then check the control arm bushings, struts, and ball joints. If any of these parts are worn out or broken, they can cause the car to shake when you decelerate.
If the car is still shaking after checking all of these parts, then it may be time to take it to a mechanic.
A qualified mechanic will be able to check the suspension-related components and ensures that they are in good condition. If not, they can replace or repair them as needed.

Robert Anderson is a world class motorhead who rebuilt his first carb at age 10, his first engine at age 15, and completed his first full hotrod build when he was just 18! Previously, he has ran a part warehouse, delivered pizzas, and managed the service department for a $20 million/year revenue dealership. Robert knows cars like few others and he is passionate about sharing his knowledge.